PinkPillFeminism Archive (2)

Paradigm Shift
52 min readJun 23, 2020

Mandatory vasectomies after 50 or after your third child. Rolanda Hollis is stirring the patriarchal pot and go figure the boys don’t like having regulations on their body

Men can stop 100% of abortions. Do not ejaculate into a woman that does not want to have your kids

it’s a good idea for real. A vasectomy doesn’t even limit men’s ability to have sex, it ONLY limits their ability to ejaculate sperm into vaginas. And they’re actually bitching about that, while at the same time getting mad about abortions? Moid hypocrisy is insane.

honestly, if anything she’s too kind. vasectomies after 40.

At birth. Reversed only when a woman decides she wants to get pregnant by him. 😂

Reversed only when a woman decided she wants to get pregnant by him AND a committee of pink pilled women deem him acceptable enough to reproduce because sadly many women don’t recognize when a man is low value and not worth procreating with.
(in b4 some stupid scrote or pick me takes this seriously and runs crying to AHS saying “PiNk PiLL fEmiNiSm SuPpOrTs EuGeNiCs!! TeRFs BaD!!”)

It’s not even eugenics. Scrotes would overreact with that.
Let’s face it, too many irresponsible ‘fathers’ around who mess up their kid, hurt them, neglect them and worse.
Surely it’s better to allow mature and stable men to have children instead of risk a generation of kids messed up, doing drugs, hurting themselves, turning to crime because they have a bad home life thanks to dad running off or being abusive.

Even better, give a vasectomy to teenage boys, that way, teen girls won’t be shamed for getting pregnant and have their education wrecked.

A vasectomy is reversable and would prevent unwanted pregnancies, abortions and men walking out on kids they don’t want.

It would also mean both people are 100% sure they want a kid because they’d have to apply to have the vasectomy reversed, instead of having an accident pregnancy and just going along with it even though they;re not prepared emotionally, mentally, maturity and financially.

Yeah, but a lot of teen pregnancies aren’t even caused by teen boys but by adult men :/ I knew a girl who at 15 was impregnated by her 23 y/o boyfriend

This is great, and in the states where they want to give the woman the death penalty. Why not charge the man with abandonment at the very least? We all know why. They already admitted they give two fucks about life when they didn’t want to include babies born outside a woman’s bodies.

absolutely, if they can decide for womens bodily autonomy, they should also decide the limits of a mans choice and freedom when he wants to leave the child and the mother(or the pregnant partner)

People are going to say that vasectomies are too invasive but most men in the US are circumcised. Circumcisions are invasive. Circumcisions are also irreversible but vasectomies can be reversed.

Mandatory vasectomies unless proven societally beneficial and worthy 🤷🏾‍♀️😂

Oh. I didn’t know she was from Alabama. This means way more than I initially thought. (AL is so ass backwards, I swear) this is extremely fresh air.

All these laws going back and forth regulating bodies but people arent required to have a license to have children. What about paying a hefty af fine for having children when you haven’t been processed to be even considered worthy of tending to a child? Do you even have the necessary IQ?

Best. Argument. Ever.

Sadly doesn’t work, because women’s concerns for their safety are never taken seriously. They will respond with “you’re never fully safe sweetie that’s life (:”

That’s true. That’s very true. Then again, I don’t think it is possible to make a moid understand. I do think this is a great argument to help pickemeishas and others understand though.

I just ask if they’d like it if somebody stuck a rusty metal rod up their asshole

“That’s life” is only applicable with men around

Heard something similar about a bag of Skittles. Something like, if you had a bag of Skittles, and a few were poison, would you still eat it?

It’s a metaphor that if you keep defending men because you mostly encounter good ones, one of them is sure to kill you or hurt you.

Our problem isn’t getting laid/dealing with rejection, it’s violence and assault.

Oh those men need to cry us a fucking river. “BOOHOO SHE WONT JUMP ON MUH DICK AFTER PAYING FOR A $40 DATE AT THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY” whereas it’s ACTUAL problems for women. So this Russian roulette analogy is far more accurate for women since women actually risk losing their lives, as do people who hold a gun to their head.
Men’s “problems” in dating are such a fucking joke. That needs to be called out.

No it’s the other way around with men… every chamber except one has a bullet in it…

I like that one that’s like, it only takes one drop of poison to taint a glass of water

Ugh they know this perfectly well ! They’re just like spoiled kids denied something they’re used to having. Denying why its fair until they’re screaming and blue in the face. How is that hard to see for some people?


The average male my age is disgusting and ugly

  • Doesn’t trim his nails that harbor a whole shit bacteria colony and expects you to be fine with him putting them in your vagina
  • Doesn’t wash his ass and has skid marks in his underwear, expects you to give oral anyways
  • Scaly, ashy body skin
  • Always smells like fear sweat even though he wears strongly scented deodorant spray
  • Doesn’t wash his hands after touching his penis to go pee because he wants to mark his territory
  • May shave his pubes but always has infected and clogged pores from it
  • Has enough earwax to make a whole candle
  • Unashamedly shows his wiry, clumpy, disgusting underarm hair
  • Patchy beard and full unibrow
  • Starts balding by mid 20s, keeps his hopes and dreams in the last few wispy strands when he’s in his 60s
  • Skincare consists of pizza grease and hand soap
  • Wears 5 year old plain clothing that his mother bought for him, if mother doesn’t buy him clothing his underwear has stains and holes
  • Has dead eyes from watching too much filmed rape (pornography)
  • 5 inch small penis and is deeply insecure about it, bought a penis pump but is afraid it’ll break his dick so he doesn’t use it
  • Has ED and infertility from watching filmed rape, death grip and poor diet, but can get it up if he strangles you so you’d better do it for him
  • Is either skinny fat, skeleton man, or fat, and the ones that do go to the gym train only some body parts and look disproportionate and ridiculous

edit: Love seeing the deleted comments of triggered males, shut up and stay in your place.

And men have the nerves to say that women age like shit and hit the wall at 30 because of their bad hygiene and unhealthy diet. I swear men are the masters of psychological projection.
I never heard a man complaining about his wife rarely showering, or that her pillow is now dirty because of the excess of sebum in her face. But I can’t count how much men wash their face with a body soap that they used to clean their feets and dick ( which is a miracle if they at least wash this area)

Sis but honestly whyyy do so many of them have fucking deep forehead wrinkles already when they’re still in their 20s. It’s so depressing to look at.

I always wonder this & I have been pretty forgiving in the looks dept b4 today… and yet I STILL find it rare to come across a male I find remotelyattractive- let alone of reasonable intelligence/chemistry- even rarer he doesn’t want to ‘spread his seeds’ & actually wants to be loyal… these men actually exist? Or are they simply an idealised carrot dangled in front of our head in order to make us churn out babies?
Sometimes it feels like a whole ass generation of women are going to have to take one for the team until the books are balanced- don’t threaten me with a good time!
At this point- with my tendency to painful recurrent UTI’s- I just don’t see the benefit of having them around whatsover, even for sex (which is often 80% jackhammering). I find I’d rather watch paint dry than mommy the average deluded male…even just tolerating a free dinner requires too much patience at times bc I know theres a 99% their gentleman mask will fall off within 24hrs…I mean seriously some can’t be arsed to keep that bravado up 24hrs now
MOST men after 25 look significantly older than women their age and a lot of them are having ED ‘slip ups’ due to excessive porn use as well as failing at their careers and balding early as well as dad bod gut…and with their car crash dull immature personalities they have the AUDACITY to act like the prize? They just stink of decline….a lifetime of declining mediocrity.
a 25 yr old man should barely have any wrinkles…like wtf have they been doing? And why do they find it SO hard to clean the dirt out of their nails when I’m prone to UTI’s?

That’s probably why the vast majority the good looking 25+ men I meet seems to look younger. The fact is they don’t look younger they just didn’t turned into shit

Dudes would rather look ugly and ‘masculine’ to impress other men instead of taking good care of themselves and taking pride in their appearance. Racing to look 50 at 30.
Go on keep calling boy band members gay, but nobody is putting your pic on the wall or screaming your name. It wouldn’t kill you to eat some fruit or put on lotion.

Or do a few pushups a few times a week with your skinny fat arms lol

Did you know the vikings ‘stole’ so many foreign women mostly because they washed and groomed themselves? Jfl

the bar was always so low loool

“- Loves to “debate” but freaks out and throws a tantrum/sulk/attacks you personally when they realize that their arguments are weak like their chins”

I’ve only just realized this week that when we say a particular male is “aging well” its only because he puts the most bare-bones of effort into self-care. Compared to the rest of the mongrels out there, he stands out because he knows what moisturizer is

A lot of early 20s men just coast on their good metabolism and youth. They may have thicker skin so they look younger for longer, but when they age it really hits them. The wall is a reversal, they’re the ones that become unattractive at 30. Look sickly and fat or skeletal with wrinkles and balding and a beer gut. Their whole face collapses like a bad surgery job because they didn’t eat any nutritious food and poisoned themselves with alcohol.

It’s proven male skin ages worse because the wrinkles set in deeper. Women may get wrinkles a little earlier but they stay relatively fine.

I like to call it chewed up bubble gum. Sometimes chewed up bubble gum that has just come out a back side.

If he doesn’t:

  • Wash his hair at least every couple days
  • Shower daily
  • Use deodorant daily
  • Brush his tongue
  • Brush his teeth twice daily
  • Wash his face
  • Clean his ears
  • Clean his nails
  • Change his underwear, socks and shirt daily
  • Shave his armpits
  • Properly wipe his ass
  • Wash his ass, underarms, feet, genitalia
  • Shave his ass
  • Wash his hands after using the restroom
  • Wash his hands before cooking and eating
  • Replace stained hobo clothes
  • Moisturize his skin

Then GTFO with him lol

This is literally a post describing my partner / roommate. Gross. And men wonder why we are repulsed.

Me too, I can’t handle how accurate it is!

ShE hAs to Be a PeRfECt 10 wItH BIG TidDyS aNd AsS LiKe KiM K. NO BUTTER FACE! /s

Yes!!! The fingernail thing alone is enough to make me vomit in my mouth.

This is so accurate

I’m dying laughing at how accurate this is 🤣

FFS. I’m trying to eat lunch. Well, I WAS.

No lies detected

Love this post. So true. Which is why I only hook up with younger one.

I wish it could be taboo for guys to have unkempt underarm hair. I’ve always thought it was gross.
Also, I once knew a guy who NEVER washed his bed linens. But it gets worse: he was in his 30s. Yes, his room smelled faintly like semen in case you were wondering

That’s the fucking problem with moid culture. No pride in their appearance, and fuck anyone that does. I’ve got one guy friend that refuses alcohol (which dehydrates the body, surprise surprise) and plucks his unibrow, imagine my shock when greasy neckbeards call him gay, despite the fact that he’s about the only one getting attention in that friend group

This is so true. I literally can’t imagine ever liking a guy that’s above 25
I always tell this one orbiter that women are only attracted to 20% of males and then he has the audacity to reply with “those males could be 30 or 40 there are no stats to prove that they like guys mostly when they are in their 20s” like come on. Seriously. That’s the hardest I’ve seen someone cope.

I’ve lived in multiple places, my female friends and I all had bfs that did atleast 3 of these things (and those were considered keepers). I wrote this bc I saw a very clear pattern over time. You dont realize most men do these things bc you need to get physically close to them.

No it’s not, they should get penis enlargement surgery. How are they supposed to please their women when most women want a 6.4 in long, 5 in circumference penis (google it)? If he doesn’t meet her needs then it’s not her fault when she cheats.

Hanging a tiny pink vulva isn’t conducive to more pleasure, yet males still shame women for roast beef pussies and refuse to give oral. If they set that standard then we get to set ours too.

Really makes you think 🤔

How does one become “cursed”? Asking for a friend.

More like blessed

Male artists at that time would create softcore porn full of naked women for their own titillation, and in order to avoid the wrath of the church, they would title it “vanity” or “cursed woman” or whatever. Old school DARVO 🙄

My vanilla ass probably couldn’t handle 3 men(or women) at once, but good for her. 😏👌

I too wish to be a cursed woman. Beautiful painting.

Wow so cursed….. I… wow. Men really just could NEVER help telling on their own selves about how much they are intimidated by female pleasure, huh?


On moids thinking they should be allowed to hit women if slapped

I am reading ‘Why Does He Do That?’ by Lundy Bancroft, who has run a program for abusive men for decades. The book is pink-pilling af. It goes right to the heart of the thinking of abusive men, and the benefits they get out of being abusive to women, and in reading it you realize every moid we talk about on this sub is an abusive fuck. Pretty much all men have been trained to have abusive thinking.
Anyway, I’ve had a hard time articulating why it is mega bullshit that moids use the excuse of self-defense when they physically destroy a woman for hitting him, and I wanted to share this paragraph, because it sums up why it’s so disgusting that they think this:
“…this is not self-defense, this is revenge. Abusers hit their partners back ‘so that she’ll see what it’s like’ or ‘to show her that she can’t do that to me.’ This is not self-defense, which means using the minimal amount of force needed to protect oneself. He uses her hitting him as an opening to let his violence show, putting her on notice about what might happen in the future if she isn’t careful. His payback is usually many times more injurious and intimidating than what she did to him, making his claims of self-defense even weaker; he believes that when he feels hurt by you, that gives him the right to do something far worse to you.”

I’ll be honest, if a much smaller women slapped me I wouldn’t hit her. I don’t see why they think beating the shit out of someone is self defense. For it to be self defense, you actually have to be in danger.

Exactly. That’s how we know with them, it’s really just an excuse. I can’t imagine wanting to continue a fight if the other person isn’t attacking, let alone chasing them down and pummeling them. Just because it’s wrong for them to hit me doesn’t mean i have a free pass to do whatever I want to them.

Right? If a 13 year old girl is trying to beat me up, I’d chew her out but there’s no reason to lower myself to violence. I’d get away from the hellion and let her be.
When women don’t like someone, we communicate as such and distance ourselves.
When men don’t like someone they want them suffering if not dead.

It’s horrifying moment when you realize that every male is walking around with barely suppressed violent urges toward women. You see it all the time in the way men talk about women, the obvious frustration that they can’t just take their anger out on us by beating us in the open. It drives them insane. There’s this entire throwing “bitches get what they deserve” genre that is popular with men, like slasher films where the cheerleader who rejected the director gets sadistically killed, internet spaces like the PussyPassDenied, and the biggest example is porn of course. And while women may have violent revenge fantasies about men who rape us, men don’t need any real reason. They love stories about female celebs hitting rock bottom, or being reminded how abused and suffering porn actresses are. And they love, love watching women beaten, degraded, raped, dehumanized, you name it, in any context.
I really think there is nothing that men like more, nothing that makes them happier in this entire world.

It’s not self-defense of course. Self-defense is for when you believe you’re in danger. Men do not fear women who slap them. It’s just establishing dominance through violence. And we all know what that means- abuse and coercion.

AHHHH I love this book! I’m reading it as well and SO MUCH of it describes exactly what manosphere (and generally) moids do all the time. It’s like a moment of “So I’m not crazy after all,” because he’s describing exact behaviors that we point out all the time. And this one is spot on too.

it should be required reading for all teenage girls imo

Most “horror” movies are basically fetish movies for misogynists. That’s why men who usually hate more than 1–2 female characters in movies love horror movies with mostly female cast.
Most porn is basically punishing or humiliating women. And almost all men watch porn. Romanticism and loving relationships don’t interest them, they like it as sadistic as possible.
In shithole countries men don’t even find women who consent to sex and enjoy attractive, so most of their porn is rape.
Attractive female characters/love interests always played the damsel in distress roles back then. Men love that shit.
All videos with women getting beaten up go viral and have men celebrating it like savages.
Misandry is the most rational way for women. Just hate men.

Notice how the men calling women traveling and going to music festivals basic have no interests other than video games?

The same men who deride women for traveling, going to music festivals, and experiencing life and calling them boring are the same men who only wanna play video games all day. Going to Greece and seeing ancient structures or exploring ancient ruins of Peru is basic… but playing video games and never leaving the house or even reading makes them so fascinating.

A lot of those scrotes seem to be drawn to more “intellectual” hobbies to make themselves feel clever, if you are interested in such a topic and try to talk with a moid about it beyond some surface level it will almost always become apparent that they are much more interested into their self- importance or their self-image of a “smart geeky guy who is interested in X” rather than X itself.

this was my ex. he’s regurgitate the most basic shit from kant or sartre that even my 17 year old sister knows about and then say “but i don’t want to get into it with you, it’s too complex” as if he wasn’t a froshie too lmao

They also usually cite the most misogynistic philosophers.

So…all of the “classics”? Lol. This was what turned me off of traditional philosophy so much, finding out that pretty much every single one of the ones considered the “greats” was a raging misogynist. I stopped looking to them for any answers a long time ago. I got into several more modern female philosophers a couple of years ago, and their ideas have been much more interesting to read and think about in general.

Same thing happened to me. Philosophy (along with music, art and maybe history) was one of the few subjects I was actually interested in back in school before realising so much of it is just useless incel babbling.

Any modern female philosophers you recommend? I’m trying to read more philosophy.

Plato was pro-equality, though

And Socrates

The response you’ll get will be a bunch of word salads made up of outdated vocabulary that they think would make them look smart instead of dumb.

If they are actually interested in X, they will be massive narcissists about it. I’m a birder and regularly we have stupid male birders complain about how EVERYBODY else is reporting data. Whine whine whine. Everybody else sucks except them. They are the only ones who do everything the best.
Meanwhile, in this particular interest, most of the bird-related data is done by volunteers, so it’s all FREE. The sheer audacity of ANYBODY who COMPLAINS about something FREE makes me want to beat them so fucking badly. God I HATE men.

Probably trying to look impressive to others or cast a wide net. That or his interests are very topical… It’s like people who call themselves fans of a band but only know 3 songs.

That’s so true, I have an interest in a lot of the sciences, philosophy and psychology, and anytime I talk to a random dude who supposedly has an interest in these things, they never know anything except to refer me to some YouTube video.

Or they pretend to be interested in something you’re interested just to lure you in.

Reminds me of how men on right wing forums unironically call their brain vomit “philosophical discussion.”

Most of them are. They like to demonize women for actually having interests and lives.

Only out of self interest because they want to monopolise the lives of women. That’s why it’s important we don’t take their crap too seriously lol.

Reposting an old comment since it’s relevant:
What I’ve learned from watching/reading moids complain about this is that:
1.) A lot of them are just misogynistic morons with ridiculous standards who try to gate keep everything a woman does from being a hobby. Like this one mgtowcel who said that women dancing/swimming is not a hobby and that women who dance/swim are just “trying to communicate how good they are at fucking” (wtf).
2.) A lot of them are boring/have no personality themselves but of course hold women to a much higher standard. Like this one 17 year old boy who came on PPD to make a post bitching about how all girls his age are “basic” and don’t have “real hobbies” because all they do is talk about makeup, watch Netflix, and read fiction books (as if reading is a bad thing). When asked what his hobbies are, he no joke responded ‘making memes and playing video games’. You know, two of the most basic teen boy hobbies of all time.

Men LOVE to insult women as “basic” while they watch football, Marvel movies, and porn and play video games. Sir, you are the most basic human I have ever met in my entire life.

And at least you can discuss a show or fiction book or even analyze it and think about the characters and lessons far more than a video game.

How pornsick does a person have to be to hear about a person dancing or swimming and the first thing that goes through their head is “they’re just doing it for sex.”
So, dancing and swimming aren’t hobbies, but vidya and watching sportsball are? Don’t men usually list some type of sport as a hobby (e.g. soccer)?
I guess my dumb female brain just can’t understand his raw, masculine logic

Calling girls “basic” is beyond annoying. It has never been “in” and yet people keep trying

They have no life, so they envy those who have.

This. Music and traveling are the most universally pursued things because guess what, they are incredibly fulfilling.

No matter what women do were basic to men. According to men no matter what they do they are fascinating.

I swear all of them have the exact same personality lol

No joke, I have had gamer men bitch, complain, and say nasty things about me spending so much time outside. It sounds bizarre af because it IS. I go for a walk every single day to look at nature. Gamer guys generally do not. I swear moids playing games is unhealthy and they are all addicts. I grew up as a gamer and did not have the awful viewpoints they do on things others do.
Funnily enough, they have insulted me about having different interests than they do, but mine has made me money over and over. I’ve ended up working as a seasonal field biologist because of my natural knowledge I’ve gained over time. Not lots of $, but none of them have made a cent.

It’s weird. All my gaming friends are women and we all have varied interests, but with moids usually they just game. Sometimes they don’t even read stuff that is not game-related (tie-in novels).

Funny that the dudes that shit on women going to Greece are the same that sits and run around there in Assasins Creed and thinks its pretty much the same. And watches videos by some dusty old dude about the history of Greece.
Note: Im also a fan of the dusty old dudes, but I have no illusions that Im not a huge nerd and no superiority complex. 😂
Karens and Basics are rad as fuck!

I can’t remember the last time I met a man who didn’t play videogames. I had to pick up somehing from a coworker and swung by her place, she lives with her bf. I saw their media room: tons of video game discs and paraphernalia.
I don’t think video games are terrible, but the culture around it is so obsessive and a huge turn off for me. I only date women, and lots of lesbians are into games, which sucks.

I wouldn’t have minded video game culture as much if I hadn’t dated guys who unashamedly ignored me repeatedly for their games and then called me crazy/needy/clingy for not being okay with being a mere decoration while they game.

We need a kind of flip of the “basic bitch”, but for men (for the sake of memes, naturally). Any suggestions? “standard model moid”? “standard issue moid”? “substratal scrote”? “independently minded individual no. 2054”? All of these are a bit long, we need something punchy lol

I was thinking to use the phrase ‘basic bastard’, but those phrases can work well too.

Perhaps it’s because they/ we are living our lives free of men and not staying at home looking after them?

Pornhub caught telling people not to report child sexual abuse videos to authorities

Has this Katie of pornhub (I’ve seen other fucked up shit she’s said) been confirmed to be a real woman? If so just wow, could you sell your own sex down the river any further?
She’s the equivalent to a female madame who pimps out girls and doesn’t care if they’re underage, they both make their money on the backs of exploited girls and women, this Katie just has another bigger pimp above her.

What do women like this get out of selling their sisters ? I’ve never understood brothel madames . They do more damage than the men ever could because a group of men trafficking girls looks way worse than an organisation headed by a woman who provides a safe environment for her fellow girls . It leads men and women to believe that the environment can’t be so exploitative and abusive and also that more women are ok with sex work than actually are . And for the girls … Well it shows them that women will exploit them just as much as men so they got no one to turn to. It’s horrible .
It runs like some kind of fucked up prison system where women are the inmates and the men are the guards . The know we’ll form hierarchies and do most of their dirty work ourselves .

It’s most definitely NOT a woman lmao it can’t be. Also, they know if it was a guy name in the username they would get more flak than if it was a girl name. How dare they steal our female identity to promote the abuse of women and children:

There’s a quote in the Handmaid’s Tale that talks about how the easiest way to oppress a group of people is to get someone within that group to do it for you….history and modern day (what the book was entirely based on) proves this.
Now, I don’t believe that’s actually a woman, but it doesn’t matter, because the oppressed group in this matter (women and girls) believe it’s a woman.

It’s probably a shared account that several people use who are highly trained in public relations. Presumably none of them is actually female, possibly they have one two women with pretty faces that they role out for in person contacts or phone calls.

This is how Katie talks to someone who is friends with yet another woman who has had a video of her being raped uploaded on pornhub and then ignored by them when she asked for help with taking it down. And this friend posts porn of herself on reddit all the time, so it’s not like she’s someone who is very anti porn making things up to make pornhub look bad like these people like to insinuate.
As for people who keep asking if it’s actually a woman, this is the pic that can be dug up that’s supposed to be her, I can’t confirm that it is and the name that’s associated with this shit is Katie Kenzi.

she looks degenerate.

wasted on alcohol and meth ,and probably a dozen other drugs that we havent even heard their names
oh I forgot, and full of stds

it doesn’t need to be investigated by the FBI to find the poor child being raped?? What a disgusting company. Any male that supports it deserves to (censored bc I’ll get banned).

They want you to email them instead of authorities so they can ignore the reports and keep the videos up longer to make more money.

They immediately delete the video so there is no trace of them having it up, censoring, so no one can say that they hosted child p*rn. They don’t want there to be any official records (police reports) of them hosting it.

Bingo. Might cause public outcry & disrupt the business model.

Radical feminism my ass :/ why dont i ever see things like this posted up to regular r/feminism?

They’re kind of busy making fun of Karen and talking about “transmisogyny”.

Jesus Christ, literally the second post is about special gender feels being hurt…. because of a FUCKING PANDEMIC. People are dying!!! WOMAN ARE DYING!!!

Lol i got banned from there.

It probably brings in more users.

I wonder too if Katie’s a woman or not… Pretty horrified at her responses. Though plenty of women are deeply indoctrinated in male abusive culture so I can’t be surprised if she was.

Can I summon her here and ask her to explain herself?
Hey, u/katie_pornhub why did you ask for pornhub users to only report child porn videos on the pornhub website, and not to an agency like the FBI?
I’m really looking forward to hearing your explanation, Katie.

u/katie_pornhub yeah why are you giving false info? You are actual supposed to report it to the authorities. Literally go to any site about reporting CP it says to do that.

Disgusting. Take screenshots and send them to the FBI…or better yet an anti-human trafficking group.

“Katie” is just too conveniently young, friendly, white, and female of a name for me to really believe that the staffer behind that account is a woman named Katie.

We do, but plenty of men were raping & being sexual sadists long before internet porn. Porn has just amplified a lot of tendencies that were already there.

You always, always, always report CP and abuse directly to authorities. Deleting the pics/videos does nothing. FBI can actually search and rescue for the abused person.

Pornhub really doesn’t care about human rights it’s amazing how much reddit loves them.

This is just telling me that pornhub has no internal processes for handling this content. You should never email links that you think might contain child porn. They should have report function on the video player that goes to some sort of safer avenue for support to look at these. What an absolute moronic response


Where is Pornhub based out of? Where are its headquarters, or main office, or whatever?

Coronavirus is further proving that women are physically stronger than men.

As we all know, nearly every single gender stereotype exists due to men projecting their weaknesses onto women.
But one I don’t see discussed as much is that women are actually the physically stronger sex.
Our immune systems are clearly superior. Data from most countries show that men are making up about 70% (or more)of the coronavirus death rate. A quick Google search yields many articles about our superior immune response. We’re more likely to survive flu and we get milder symptoms. We also live longer and (generally) with less health problems.
So why do men still think that being able to break someone’s jaw is proof of their physical superiority? Because when it comes to things that actually matter (i.e surviving a pandemic) we are so much stronger.

And thanks to porn, video games and a sedentary lifestyle they’re losing a lot of that.

You know I’m actually happy they are losing it lol

Exactly! That’s why they’re so violent, they know it’s the only thing they’re actually better at so they use it at every opportunity.

Our immune system is better.
Our emotional intelligence is better:
And: “Girls have closed the gap in math with boys and have extended their led in literacy.”
The only thing moids have is violence. If they don’t have violence, they (threaten to) kill themselves.

Can you imagine where the world would be if men didn’t oppress and suppress our access to reading, writing and education. They really fucked it up for all of us.

Ironically, they also fucked it up for themselves as well.

The ways they did it were especially cruel too. They actually told women that if they did all the things they wanted they’d die, or have their wombs explode. Then called all the women who didn’t fit the norm hysterical and told them the only cure was to get pregnant, have a doctor molest them lest they have “degenerate” children with health defects and be social outcasts.

our menstrual blood is a source of stem cells…
we have lower crime rates and crime proclivity
better hygiene
better genetic instruction manual
better leadership skills

Thanks for linking this! The case for female superiority is even stronger than I thought.

More endurance, handle many of the effects of space better, handle g-force better, swim the Catalina an hour faster, see more colors, can SMELL fear on a man, more accurate shots with a rifle, save more lives when we’re doctors, get better grades, are less impulsive, we make better safer decisions that result in higher profits and lower rates of bankruptcy in businesses, get in less accidents and have cheaper car insurance, our code is preferred over men’s (as long as nobody knows we’re women) according to github.
AND. We most likely will surpass men in IQ. On average. So, we’d be smarter than the average man, if you want to use IQ as a way to measure that. Ours has been rising way faster than theirs, and since school is shown to raise it 1–5 points a year and since men aren’t going to school as long as us, we’re gonna win.
Better fine motor skills/manual dexterity.

Wow, I don’t see how men can still think they’re better than us. This makes me feel grateful to be a woman despite the shit hand given to us. We’re powerful as fuck!

You’re welcome.
Better at learning languages
Better at remembering words and faces

Even my dad can admit this. He’s interested in science more than his own ego.

It’s also well documented that women and girls are more likely to survive famine. It’s also been proven that girls are more likely than boys to survive to their first birthday because of factors like this. Some people think it could be why the birth rate is swayed ever so slightly towards boys, to make up for the loss.

Ooh I forgot about the famine thing, thank you! Apparently female babies are also less likely to die when born prematurely. Nature is clearly telling us that girls and women are more important and men use their inherent violence to reverse the natural order because their ego’s can’t handle the truth.

Men define strength as upper body strength and being an emotional cripple because it’s the only way they can fool themselves into thinking they’re better than us

Nothing but truth. They’ve designed the whole of society to make themselves look superior but nature prevails.

Mentally stronger too. While my male family is going stir crazy, some losing themselves in videogames, some drinking, etc… Me and my female family members are chatting and gardening and starting new diy projects. It’s fucking pathetic to see them like that.

same. they keep bugging me for entertainment. learn to entertain yourself

Good to hear this! Women are so powerful and its about time it’s recognised.

I like how men blame women for single motherhood, but not the men who leave women to care for the children alone.

I like how men blame women for single motherhood, but not the men who leave women to care for the children alone.
And if you point that out, they’ll say “well, women have the responsibility to choose good men.” Okay, then, why are men complaining about child support payments and “divorce rape”? Isn’t it men’s responsibility to choose good women?
Oh wait, everything is women’s fault. Forgot about that /s

Because women are the gATeKeEpErs tO sEx, didn’t you know?

Naturally! It’s not like men have brains or can rationally deliberate or anything, no — what they unironically want you to believe is that men are just sex crazed monsters who just can’t help but screw anything that walks, but if you say any of it you’re a misandrist 😂
I don’t get why men hate this sub so much, people here believe everything they do about “the nature of men.”

Something something keyhole

Woman abandons baby with man — woman’s fault Man abandons baby with woman — woman’s fault

Fax n logic 🤪

and then when women actively try to take countermeasures to prevent single motherhood like wanting access to birth control and abortion, we’re called all sorts of shitty names and demonized.

It’s because those women had sex, therefore they’re bad.

Women are also bad if they don’t have sex, didn’t you hear? A prude asexual who needs a good fucking to ‘cure’ her barf

Men protecting men.
It’s the women who seduce the men don’t you know /s

It’s always women’s fault! My ex held huge resentment towards his mother because according to him it was her fault she was a single mom and his father was never around. His father an addicts, was in his 50’s married and with children. His father met his mom while she was only 20 and having to strip after escaping her abusive family. He told her he would “hep” her. His gross old self got her pregnant. Not only did he cheat on his wife but he also used the family money to keep his young girlfriend in an apartment and went back in forth between them. In the end his father cut off contact before he was even born and never bothered to have anything to do with him. His father then went on to cheat again and knock up another younger woman. He was a gross old, addict, lowlife, adulterer, who abandoned him and yet it’s his mother who raised him fault. He literally said she should have tried harder to make him stay.Men are allergic to accountability.

His mom gave him life and raised him yet he treats her so lousy. What an ungrateful prick.

Imagine fucking up your life for a piece of moid that’s that ungrateful.

These same men blame the court systems for disenfranchising men who have to give a tiny portion of their earnings to feed and house these same children.
And blame the court system for not giving men full support when the men don’t ask for full support because it will “ruin” their lives.
Men blame women so they have an excuse when they want to fuck other women without the burden of a family.
Men are to blame for single mothers, not women

Women are the ones who try to keep families intact overcompensating for the worthless scrote. Men dont want full custody unless they have another woman lined up to do the actual care.
They simply resent having to pay for the children they brought into the world.
If men acted like decent responsible caring humans, women wouldn’t have to raise children alone.

They also assume that like 99.9% of single mothers are single because they got bored and just wanted to ruin his life for no reason, or trade up.

And yet they still blame women for initiating divorce more than men…. they frame it as women breaking up the marriage and family, conveniently this mindset disappears when it comes to fathers who abandon the mothers of their children along with the children…

Didn’t you hear? Men aren’t responsible for their actions.

Ohhh Come on Karen… Seriously? Don’t you know that since Eve committed original sin… it always have been women’s fault and will always be… forever…?

Adam: “She made me chew the apple. Waaaaaaaaah”

All single dads are trash. If they truly loved their children, they would have never abandoned them.

Because obviously no man ever in the history of the world has ever knocked up a woman and just yeeted himself out of there! There’s just no way!

These are the same guys who are ardently pro-life and hate it when women have access to birth control.
They WANT women to be vulnerable, saddled with children, and exposed to abuse.

The fact that false rape allegations elicit more rage than actual rape speaks volumes about men

Fun fact, in the UK, men are 230 times more likely to be raped than to be falsely accused.
I actually got into an argument on here with an MRA a while ago who said he’d rather be raped than be falsely accused when I presented him with this information, because according to him rape only lasts a few hours. I linked him to a study about the horrible life-long psychological effects of being a rape victim and he shut up lol.

I’ve had this argument irl with some young guys I used to work with. They got angry at me for suggesting that, as if I was wishing it upon them… which of course I wasn’t. “Why would you bring that up? Why would you say that?” Because it’s true… why are you so vehemently defending accused rapists? Smh

Any rape allegations enrage men. They legitimately want rape to go unpunished unless it happens to their property.

Good news for them: the vast majority of rape DOES go unpunished. It may as well be legal at this point.

They don’t care about actual rape, because it’s not their problem. They want to focus on the tiny percentage of rape accusations that turn out to be fake and derail the entire conversation to make it about them and their problems.
Honestly men should be banned from women-oriented subs because they just go on there to further invalidate women and make the conversation about them.

They are also deluded if they think they are not at risk of rape. Men are far more likely to be raped by other men than falsely accused by a woman.

That too. I’d much rather them advocate for themselves as victims then try to derail us. They blame WOMEN for not considering male rape victims. Um excuse me, do you not have a voice yourself? Sadly they’re preoccupied with shitting on women it seems.

1: It’s targeted harassment at me”
Well we got a rapist moid reporting everything. That basically proves your post op.

Because they don’t want to get accused and do time if they didn’t get to actually rape

Inflating false rape statistics is rape culture

She should have asked if they want to depict male and male rape.

It’s because rape is part of their fantasy.

“But as far as sci-fi and fantasy, I love that genre because there are so many things you can do, like rip someone’s tongue out of their throat and get away with it and rape beautiful women,” he said. Fellow cast members, including Lena Headey, looked embarrassed while the crowd laughed.

Jason Momoa

What a prince

Wow. No wonder he stood by his character’s mass murdering faux feminist wife when she burned civilians alive.

I literally saw some women on GC say how all those “heroic male characters” are somehow realistic while female characters who are heroic are just trying to be male 🙄

I think they might have meant that instead of making believable, dynamic female heroes, they’re just written to embody stereotypical male tropes. If not, then that’s stupid, but i do think that writers are lazy when writing females, and either just write their sexy-fantasy hero gf, or just a female superman.

Nope, it was in relation to damsel in distress (i.e: women can only be one or the other, heroism is for males), but I get what you’re saying. I tend to prefer action/fantasy heroes like the ones in Tamora Pierce’s books.

And these women are exactly what holds us back. Smh. And there’s too many of them unfortunately.

But mah femininity :) gotta protect it!

Sansa Stark, Padme Amidala, and the super girly Disney Princesses are heroic. Don’t see how anything masculine about them.

Right. What is the most popular genre of films right now? It’s those stupid, mindless superhero movies. How “realistic” are those story lines and plots?

I remember when Game of Thrones was the rage and everyone was like “it’s realism, it’s a reflection of the era and what it was like”. I never watched the show but I know it had dragons and shit. Realism my ass. George R. R. Martin is just a sick fuck who wanted to write about incest and rape.

I fucking hate GoT and the entire fandom.

Same. Everyone told me to watch it… I’m good thanks.

I remember a male classmate saying it was his favorite show because of all the nudity, he went as far as to describe the show like “a porn movie with a more elaborate plot” with a perverted smile. Never watched it, and never will.

My ex, a porn addict of whom I have no choice but to remain in contact with for the next five years, was elated when a particular actress finally got raped in the plot.

So disgusting. Men got raped too in “historical fiction” but we don’t have to watch the trafficking of little boys to conquering soldiers. Just uh….just women. Hmm.

That was partly because that character is a feminine girl who doesn’t exist to show her boobs or be “one of the boys” and has garnered some very disturbing levels of hatred for that over the years. As evidenced by the glee some men had over her rape scene. Which, by the way, never happened in the book.

Arya gets plenty of hate by liberal feminists, and she was never “one of the boys” in the books either. Female characters can’t win.?

I hate this realism shit. You know what else is realism? Not getting raped. That’s just as believable as someone getting raped. So maybe if you want to go for the shock value, find something else because we’re fucking sick of seeing it. It’s bad, lazy writing. Rape is not the only way to add realism and horror to a story, but it is the easiest and laziest.

Men don’t like realism because they never show women with body hair (women were not always hairless), ugly men are made out to be nice when they are some of the biggest assholes you will ever meet, society pretends men don’t age like shit, having Bruce Willis, Liam Neeson and Tom Cruise kicking someone ass lol. ect.. I could go on and on about “realism” men hate. Men say about how women kicking guys ass is unrealistic while Hollywood does nothing but cater to men fantasy. Middle aged men who are use to their Hollywood and porn fantasy think gorgeous young women will fall into their lap and find him more physically attractive than handsome young man her age.

There are people who would like to see diarrhea but those people would be classified by the general public as absolutely depraved human beings. Which is hilarious because although it is disgusting, you can do scat with consent. Rape is never consensual and that is some how more acceptable..

Amazing how men can simultaneously believe rape doesn’t happen and it’s all false accusations, but also that it happens all the time and thus needs to be shown frequently.

If these #NotAllMen types were genuine, they would attack the MRA/MGTOW/Incel/Pro-Male/Etc. subs instead of harassing feminist subs with their gaslighting tactics. But they do not want to stop toxic masculinity — they just want to stop us from talking about toxic masculinity!

This is why men don’t want real feminism in mainstream. It holds men accountable for their actions. All men say about Andrea is “she is just jealous”, insult her looks and call her crazy while giving no rational facts as to why she is crazy (they don’t want to understand the truth she spoke).

Plus, they literally don’t have to because men will get the sex and relationships they want from women regardless.

Men are pickmes too: “It isn’t true of me, I’m not like the other boys!”

…but moids will read all of this and the only reaction in their primitive caveman brains will be like, “ugga bugga, woman on that picture FAT, roflmao!”

I live with the worst possible man in my head and he tells me these kind of things even before I say what I want to say. Just all the shit I’ve heard/read accumulating. And this was the first thing that came to my mind. If I shared this somewhere, would some men get the message or would most of them dismiss it like they usually dismiss Dworkin? Somehow twist her words or just laugh at her looks? I’ve even seen men saying how they don’t believe she had ever been raped. I’m just so disillusioned at this point.

It’s relieving to know I’m not alone in experiencing this. ❤️

The same can be applied to those leftist men who are busier attacking TERFs than conservative and alt-right men. Jerking off to Contrapoints doesn’t make you a feminist, woke bro™.

libfems and male feminists™️ don’t go after transphobic males or conservative males with 1/100th of the ferocity they have towards TERFs.

It’s never true of them or any guy they know personally…. conveniently.

*3 years later, defends his best friend Pervy pete, known for his ‘hands on’ approach with women and fragile temper in response to rejections, who has recently been accused of raping a drunk girl*
Even if they haven’t themselves, a large fucking majority of them would defend someone who had. ‘Bro’s before hoes’ and all that.
Also, I can’t tell you the number of men who’ve made rape jokes around me, as if it to test the waters on my views about it. It’s always very obvious to me they’re making light of their guilty conscience somewhere.
It’s why a lot of men get very angsty when you bring up the topic of rape……….something bothering you there old joe? I mean…if your conscience is so clear…why would this debate get you riled so much?

This is why my dad hating #MeToo so much worries me. There is no rational reason why anyone who doesn’t feel even slightly convicted would react negatively to the movement.

goddamn i love dworkin. she says men dont feel this way; they are, in theory, opposed to whatever. and this is wonderful phrasing because it highlights that feeling a certain way about something is not the same as acting in a way that aligns with how you supposedly feel.
i’ve found that these men who work so hard to convince themselves (and women) that they’re better than other men are the same ones who either
1) still watch porn, have deeply-ingrained biases about women, and are not self-aware,
or 2) shout “i’m a feminist!” for the sole purpose of fucking someone

I love Andrea Dworkin. A fucking legend.

What they really mean is “not all men are outwardly like that” but even they know that most men hate women at their core and would fuck us over if given the chance. We’re just supposed to be content with the fact that most men don’t have an opportunity to do so.

These kinds of men find it difficult to stand up to other men, so they confront women.

Men always portray Andrea Dworkin like she’s an unpleasant, rude, screeching harpy. I actually watched a debate with her and it’s wild how men’s perceptions of people are just so off, it really emphasises their lack of social intelligence. She comes across as incredibly intelligent, reasonable, sweet and sensitive.

Not sure if I’m more disgusted with child porn scene on Netflix, or all the men defending and excited by it (I.e asking for the source, brb, “kinky!”) in this sub

These men saw this post then almost unanimously went and watched it. How anyone can think worldwide male behaviour like this is caused by socialisation, I don’t know.

How will the kids feel, once they are grown up and fully comprehend what they were made to do in that movie and for what? They might need some therapy in the future.

the wiki entry wrote how the mothers were there during filming, the girls didnt know what they were doing and they were just intimidating what they were shown. like this is somehow supposed to put our minds at ease, whoever this creepy Diego Kaplan is he should have never made this. i bet he got a sick kick knowing what was happening, with their mothers there AND knowing this will cause trauma when they get older…..

They were imitating a “cowboy” move, but it’s not any less pedophilic that they used the video to depict masturbation. In the original post they claim “FB Karens insisting that this is pedophilic”, but it’s surely not. Like what? It is a pornographic child scene, because it is viewed as such. Or “oh, they wanted to convey how the character is a sex addict as an adult”, so it’s alright. No, it isn’t. It fucking isn’t. We’ve lost any sense of normalcy.

Def meant to be pedobait. Someone needs to look into this director.

You can say the same for a girl who is being abused. I smell bullshit from the mom’s, those girls knew exactly what was going on.

I guess straight up porn and soon child porn will be just normal tv?? This is clearly another attempt at normalizing this shit. There was this movie recently too so, these pedo movies are becoming more common.
ETA. The amount of comments defending this shit, wtf? “It’s on netflix so it must be ok”. So I guess we just accept anything shown to us as fine now, no thinking required? Oh, the kids didn’t know the scene was gonna be used in a sexual way, so it’s fine too, totally not sexualising a minor. It’s art!

Holy shit those comments 🤢. Fuck men. Fuck them to hell.

it’s like a pedophile antisemite support group in those comments.

Holy shit I hate men how is it always men directing this type of shit?,?? What the fuck

I was watching an interview with Chloë Grace Moretz and she was discussing how this was her first sex scene done by a female director. She briefly compared male and female directions and obviously the female one was better but the way she casually said that she started shooting sex scenes at 16 stayed with me. Honestly male directors are so morally bankrupt.

It’s insane how it’s normalized.

It’s because men for the most part are morally bankrupt.

Every adult responsible for this tricked this child into acting out a masturbation scene. Think about that shit. She thought she was playing cowboy. They added weird closeups and sounds to make it look like something else. She can’t consent to film a sexual scene as a child. How is the older version of her gonna feel about this?

The comments excusing it and blaming “fb karens” for supposedly overreacting…ugh

So are artists, directors, and writers not allowed to cover, talk about, or depict real life topics anymore? Should Stephen King of gone to prison for the infamous child pornographic ending in his novel “IT”. Is Reddit gonna be pro-censorship now? What happened to standing with Hong Kong against Chinese-like censorship and oppression?

How fucking dare you want to take away obvious and overt sexualization of little girls!!! What about muh pedo shrimp dick huh???? checkmate femnazis

when has this shit become normalized?? i dont know why but the past few days i keep seeing shit like this and no one is saying anything??? i feel like im crazy or i didnt notice it before but why is everyone acting like its no big deal??

How on Earth did this make it past multiple internal screenings, lawyer checks, and quality control at Netflix? Did no one stop to think, “hmm maybe this isn’t the best thing for us to be distributing?”

Something to think about

Because men are liars. Lol.

Because aside from raping, defending and protecting their fellow rapists is the male’s favorite pastime. It’s practically a sport to them.

They do know a rapist. They just protect each other.

There is no Missing Stair, you’re overreacting /s

To men, consent is optional, ruins the mood, and is an unrealistic expectation.
On the bright side this stresses some of them out so much they become celibate.
Never have I seen as much open hatred towards women as I do in celibacy groups.
(they also think resisting sexual urges towards women will give them superpowers and make them wealthy which is hilarious)
On the less bright side, when they realize this isn’t the case they might go on a murderous rampage.

Anybody else get depressed thinking about how rare it is for women to hate men versus how common it is for men to hate women?

Not just men, but men and women. This world is full of hatred for women. There are pickmes, man-loving libfems, anti-feminist women. There are redpillers, MGTOWs, incels, and religious conservatives. There are rapists and men who jerk off to rape. There are serial killers who kill hundreds of women and men who search for photos of womens dead bodies to masturbate to. Men who hate women are literally everywhere. It’s more rare to find a man who actually treats women as human.
Meanwhile the only women who actually hate men are a small portion of radical feminists. We’re literally a tiny drop in the bucket. Women’s “hatred” against men will never ever ever be anything more than a drop in the bucket compared to the sea of hatred men have for women.
Even though this sub exists, we’re in the extreme minority. The vast majority of women will never hate men even though they deserve it. It’s just extremely depressing.

Misandry doesn’t exist bc there’s no history of women doing the sick shit men have done to women all around the globe for all of time. Hating men is a natural response in a world both current and past where men have been the major cause of harm to women.

Agreed. Hating men is a natural response to the world we live in, and yet so many women don’t hate men. They love men. Lol.

Cockholm syndrome. With media, and women living with and being in school with men, it’s especially easy to brainwash girls, they get them young. If you constantly have to be around men who harrass you and make you feel unsafe, there’s no escape, so in a last ditch effort you get cockholm syndrome. The male is never wrong. He’s just misunderstood and you need to love him into being a human. You must strive to be the perfect fuck doll/wife/mother and everything is your fault bc you aren’t the perfect fuck doll/wife/mother. I see women who went to girl only schools have way higher self worth and critical thought.
Especially female socialization, it’s fine tuned to make you as insecure, uncertain, and submissive as possible so by the time you’re in highschool all your claws have been pulled and you’ve been successfully mentally colonized.

Exactly. It’s so fucking depressing to me, thinking about how few women make it out of this shit without being brainwashed.

Women seem less likely to hate in general. This thread made me think of the new book that’s just been released. I don’t have it yet but it looks good. The author was hacked and harrassed for writing the book. Its still dangerous to speak out, but we must.
Why Women are Blamed for Everything

I mean it’s true… so why would she get harassed over it? It doesn’t make sense. It’s true. They just wanna silence women.

Exactly. They just want us to be quiet, keep women down, and not have to curb their nasty behavoir and exploitation. It’s true. This place has had it’s share of men trying to stir up shit.

Give up and seperate? There is nothing left to be done.

It’s really disturbing when I express my opinions about men and some woman response is like “I’ve been sexually harassed multiple times, I’ve been raped by 43 men, my father used to beat my mom, all my boyfriends treated me like shit and my best (male) friend was only pretending to be my friend to try to fuck me, but I don’t hate men” 😍
And I’m like: …………..why not? 🤔
And their answer is always something like: because that’s mean. 🤗
Ok. I guess. Good luck with that.

And they act like we’re just as bad or even worse than them!

But aside from the delicate egos of self-important males, if women are hating men, it has almost no impact on them, as compared to their hatred and resentment for us.
The women accused of being “man-haters” — Q. What do they/we do? A. Stay away from men as much as possible.
What do men do when they hate/resent us? Hunt us down, relentlessly follow us around, monitor everything we say and do, then whine / rage / report to their moderator mates / dox / threaten / beat up / rape / torture / kill…
The only reason I care about penis people hating me is it’s actually dangerous for me. Cgaf otherwise.

We are the minority though. Every now and then I’ll have an aunt tell me her friends laughed at her because she reacted to a news story with “dirty men, no better than dogs” which is normal in my family but shocking to many dick pandering women.
A healthy disregard of men is far more common in real life among ordinary people than you would think, especially older people. Maybe that’s why so many woke blokes have a rabid hatred of boomers, they don’t respect young men’s entitlement and see through their shit.

Oh yeah, most old women worth their salt are completely indifferent to men. Unless she has given birth to a moid.

I think time is on our side. Look how hostile the world is to women already. With time, women will be more and more radicalized

It’s been 2500 years🤷🏼‍♀️I don’t believe women will ever wake up tbh.

Don’t need women to wake up necessarily. Just need a few women to do something big.

Like the suffragists in England. As long as there is technology beyond swords and cudgel, women can claim agency. With technology, it isn’t necessary to have a physical body capable of brute force. If things get bad again, women don’t have to be passive and let men oppress us. But for whatever reason, women seem to be psychologically programmed not to fight. Not to value our freedom over our lives- no matter how pathetic and humiliating men make women’s lives.

I think feminists need to study the suffragists and find out exactly what conditions led to so many women becoming radicalized and actually physically fighting back against oppression. Because aside from the suffragists, I can think of no other time in history when a large movement of women did this. Maybe the historical record has been scrubbed, but that would also suggest that any prior attempts of women to combat male oppression by force had been unsuccessful.

Men were arguably way more brutal to women in the past, and yet they still refused to gather together and take their power back. I hate to say it, but the odds of women at large developing a radical feminist consciousness is slim to none.

In other parts of the world, men are still as brutal as in the past.

And one day the West will get corrupt as well. It won’t be the perfect superpower forever. And we women will lose the little agency we have and won’t be able to fight back because “feminism isn’t needed anymore, we can vote already” idiots aren’t doing anything to gain power, so women still have nothing.

Women didn’t “refuse” to take their power back. It was literally impossible for women to rise up because they were trapped in the home and had next to no education. Not to mention that men in those days had zero problems with raping and killing women who defied them.

Yes 100%. In old times no group was rising up against discrimination and violence not just women.

This is basically slavery, nothing near the chattel slavery of African-Americans…but slavery nonetheless.

The witch trials was the backlash against women having reproductive control with midwives, and poisoning their abusive men. Any effective retaliation is quickly shut down. Why do you think 2nd wave feminism was scrubbed and censored, and colonized by libfem? The advantage we now have is instant communication, which is a huge part in how successful a revolution is.

Witch trials are the best example of misogyny. This type of misogyny may come back if some shit goes down in the world. Or it’s more “civilized version” will come back when women start gaining actual power. Internet is a good example actually. Every week another successful women get “lynched” if you will. For doing literally nothing.
If women don’t fight, we become badly treated slaves who live horrible, restricted lives.
When we try to fight back we are tortured and killed in the most evil, brutal ways possible.
Men are evil, their evil almost impossible to annihilate. But we should find a way. Again, the West won’t be a superpower for long and women will be blamed for any fail.

This cycle can’t go on forever, we have to find a way out. Luckily nowadays we have other possibilities (as long as males don’t take them away from us yet again).

Right: Indeed right wing men blame white women for getting fat and having premarital sex but also saying no to abusive men for the downfall of the west.

Stockholm syndrome and trauma bonding.

I believe it’s because women are raised to believe that the only bad men out there are “other” men. Or that if they do and say certian things, that men will leave them alone. These women tend to have close male friends or a boyfriend to protect them from other men.

But the reality is, it’s men who are close to you that’s more likely to harm you. When will women learn this, I don’t know.

I hate men just as much as women hate men. The only defense is that women aren’t as violent and I’m not going to go shot up a mall full of innocent people.

Also, when women hate, they’re told to seek counseling. When men hate, everyone has to leave them alone because they might get violent.
I realized this when I read about girls going to therapy after escaping from sex trafficking, but I’ve never heard of pimps going to therapy for their nasty behavior.

I think more and more women are starting to hate men. The problem is that they put up with men because they want to fuck them. That’s where sex positive feminism comes from: where having tons of sex is seen as something that will empower women by allowing them to take advantage of men. Really, all sex-positivity does is provide to men what they want most out of a woman: a quick fuck, and it allows men to be even more depraved and still get sexual satisfaction. Don’t let them get anything from you. Bleed them dry. Leave them alone. You are something they must be worthy of. If they aren’t, forget about them, because allowing them access to your body would only mean their triumph.

because allowing them access to your body would only mean their triumph

I’ve tried to explain to to female friends before and I was shut down immediately for “slut-shaming” and being “sex negative.”
The rhetoric of liberal feminism is like doublespeak. It brainwashes women to view the truth as fiction and to twist the words of the people trying to help them into the words of the men who have oppressed them in the first place. They are rendered incapable of seeing nuance.
“No, I am not slut-shaming you, I am warning you that this man whose dicks you want to suck within the context of a” FWB” relationship is going to slut shame you once he has pumped and dumped you and you’re going crazy because now he is ignoring you, and you thought sucking his dick was going to make him love you because no one bothered to educate you on men before.”
“ You’re so sex-negative! “
“ But sex can be negative. Sex and (often sexual) violence are men’s primary instruments of oppression of women”
“Omg, you’re such a prude!! Who hurt you?”

That’s a problem. Because you’re putting all the blame on women and none on men.
I think it’s better if women had sex with the top % of men, not low lifes. However, they have to be very careful because men get violent when they get rejected.

On a positive note, this sub grows really fast. About 1000 new members a month and even faster so far this April. 200 new people came in the last few days. Over 1000 currently.
I think with everything going on, nth room, pornhub, domestic violence rising 700% (so I heard) and all the strangulation’s from “accidental” sex deaths women are waking up and realizing some shit needs to change and something is seriously wrong they didn’t notice before. Especially since we’re all trapped inside and spending a lot of the time on the internet. More opportunities for them come across stuff that makes them change their stance on a lot of things.
I think men may finally get what they deserve some time in the next few decades. Some much needed backlash against all their bs.

Rape Culture

False or unfounded reports of rape are less common (1.6%) than false reports of auto-theft (2.6%) yet we never assume grand larceny victims are lying.
Inflating false rape accusations is perpetuating rape culture. Female rape victims are actively disbelieved. We treat female rape victims like suspects yet men accused of rape are treated like victims and martyrs. Men need to stop saying rape allegations ruin their reputations and futures. Rape doesn’t ruin the rapist but the victim. Men accused of rape can make it to the oval office, supreme court, etc. Women are the ones who are exiled.

They lie a lot more than women do, so naturally (since they project their flaws onto us) they call us the liars and disbelieve everything we say. Especially if it’s something they don’t want to deal with.

If men were so worried about false accusations they would demand consent for any physical act in triplicate. They wouldn’t bother with gray areas of consent and would want to be 1000% sure the woman wanted to be with him.
Instead they opt to push boundaries and accept a begrudging “fine” as consent.

Even men hate men

Men complain about misandry, but ignore how men are the main ones that kill each other over race, religion, class etc. They have been coming up with ridiculous reasons to kill each other for centuries and now want to focus on misandry when it only comes to what women SAY?
The big joke is that even in spite of what men do to women, most women still have more respect for male life than males do. Smh. Men are more likely to be misandrist than anybody else, so they should address that before pointing the finger at women. They have bigger fish to fry. The women not getting along thing is pure projection because men always have big beef with each other over nonsense.

If men really wanted to talk about men’s issues, they would create their own spaces to talk about how to help men without the focus being on tearing down women. The only reason they ever bring up men’s issues is to silence women.

Men absolutely hate men. They only protect other men when it’s in their own benefit.

There seems to be no such thing as ‘male problems- — male is basically a synonym of human. Male problems aren’t problems that specifically regard to their sex. They don’t exprience any distinctive type of dicrimination that women do not and haven’t throughout history. Not for being a male, a man.
All they do is specifically pin point, as males always did throughout history, and reflect on issues of self as the only existing human. Politics, literature, arts — all were dominated male domains of possible self expression. This world is built on ‘men’s rights’.
They only have themselves to criticize as a group trying to target issues which don’t distictively apply to men only, based on their sex.

They complain about single moms and ignore the fact that the dads voluntarily left 9 times out of 10.

Two Moderate Ideas For A Gun Control Compromise: 1.) Only allow women to possess firearms. 2.) Force gun manufacturers to paint all guns in a soft baby pink so those primitive moids (who hate everything associated with femininity) will be unable to fetishize guns as something “masculine” 🔫😂

Watch the crime rate go down 80%

Lmao. Bet they’d make pink a masculine color again

or they’ll have it painted

Lurkers prob thinking this is insane but if only women were allowed to have guns we wouldn’t really kill anybody unless the situation is extreme



Paradigm Shift

Anti-ideology, pro-counterculture, because iconoclasms feel good