PinkPillFeminism Archive (1)

Paradigm Shift
31 min readJun 23, 2020

CaT LaDy

COMPLETELY INACCURATE i see no piss bottles.

Also missing the sex doll and artificial uterus collection!!

Who said its alcohol in the bottle 🤔🤔🤔

Apparently drinking your pee increases testosterone!…It doesn’t but watch males try it

The gardener lady is legit goals for me

You forgot to include a photo of a MGTOW man watching underage anime porn !!!

He needs an anime waifu body pillow or poster

We don’t need a movement to do what we want, when we want. MGTOWs are resentful they can’t get a woman, women who live without men chose to do so because it makes them happy and fulfilled, no resentment or internet screeching needed. You’re free to do whatever you wish in life sis, whatever makes you happiest!

MGTOW keep screaming about going their own way and never speaking to women again, but they never go through with it. What’s the hold up?? Just go already!

Feminists were wayyy ahead of these MGTOW trolls. WGTOW is stupid, It’s called female separatism.

But somehow women going their own way are the bitter ones, lmao

I always loved how men need a movement for absolutely anything. That is how I imagine religion started. The prophets now are Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan though.

It’s backed up by science. The happiest elderly women are those that were never married. In men, it’s the opposite.

And divorced/widowed elderly women (who are in a stable financial situation that is) don’t really want a husband again or to move in together with a man any more. At best, they want companionship, where they meet every so often, but they don’t want the chores and emotional burden that comes with living together. Men, on the other hand… They want someone to take care of them basically.

It’s men’s fault women don’t want them.

Let’s not forget sexism on the right column.

Remember, rage is the only masculine emotion! Actually, it’s not even an emotion anymore it’s a logical process that enriches and improves your life in every way possible!

Holy fuck, it’s so accurate it hurts. If I could, I would stay single FOREVER. Life is soooo much better alone than it is with low value men (and LVM constitute for 90% males). I’m getting pressured by family to get married and stuff, however, which is such a pity and I hate myself for succumbing to these demands. I wish I had more self-confidence to disobey.

I love this. I have a garden 💕

True legit it’s gets toxic for men so much so that it could lead to violence against innocent women, depraved

Louis C.K says women are crazy for dating men bc men are the largest threat to women worldwide and historically… and ppl laugh. But when women say it, we get called a crazy feminazi who’s just bitter/needs to get laid/ugly/has daddy issues/just had bad experiences with men

another example of why “false accusations ruin men’s lives!!!!” is a joke. this is a man with REAL ACCUSATIONS who admitted it himself and he’s still playing sold out shows and has thousands of men and pickmeishas defending him. same with cristano ronaldo. he admitted to being a rapist yet he’s still playing, still beloved, and worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Women have their entire lives burnt down when they speak out against their abusers; all he got was a Netflix show and some appearances cancelled. Heinous.

PIV is inherently degrading, even men tell women this straight to their face everyday

“intercourse can literally kill you, if you are a woman. (sorry! really, i am). it causes pregnancy, which is a medical event that can last for years (including lactation, and assuming that there were no long-term complications, which there often are). PIV is the one and only cause of obstetric fistula, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, miscarriage and abortion, and is causative of the illnesses and deaths of hundreds of thousands of women annually (see maternal morbidity and mortality here, and a discussion of “near misses” here).
and the list of risks of being on the pill are as long as my arm, and include the risk of death by blood clot. and women are more susceptible to STD infections than men are due to biological differences…specifically that we have vaginas that men ejaculate into, and their bacteria and viruses cant be washed away. and trying to wash them away by douching actually makes it WORSE, because you irritate your tissues and interrupt the normal cleansing process of the vaginal environment.
and PIV is known to destroy womens careers, and their livelihoods, as well. not even considering the “mommy track” that so many women allegedly “choose,” even if you have an early abortion, you are risking getting in trouble at work if you are too sick to come in, in the first weeks and months of pregnancy due to morning sickness. i mean really. sitting under your desk puking into a fucking trashcan doesnt look so good, because most people assume you are drunk (although appearing unintentionally knocked up doesnt do a woman any favors, either, in the “i am responsible, just like a man!!!11!!” competition). and if you are too sick to even drive or take public transportation, you cant even clock in, to humiliate yourself this way. or to get paid, obvs.
yes, thats right…there are severe consequences to women, but not to men, of engaging in PIV. and i am not about to blame women for continuing to do it, and i am not going to ask (at least not today) why women are having PIV with men. what i would like to know, however, is why MEN are continuing to do it, when they know how dangerous it is, for women. this is not a rhetorical question.
again, since most readers here are women, this can be approached as a thought exercise. imagine, if you will, that there were no consequences to *you* of having PIV. but that all the consequences i mentioned above, actually applied to *men* and not to you. imagine that fucking your husband, or bf, or anyone with a dick really, could literally kill them, or make them very ill. imagine that they were taking on all the risk, and you werent risking a thing.
would you still do it? would you ride your mate into the sunset, bucking wildly on his dick and screaming when you were about to come? (pornified version). would you tenderly “make love” to him, knowing how potentially fucking screwed he could be, in the weeks and months to come, by virtue of the act you were about to perform on his person i mean with him, lovingly? (its an “act of love” version).
and in this topsy-turvy world i have created here, where there are consequences of PIV to men but not to women…would you ever pressure him into it? or expect it? or demand it? or “take” it? (the rape version). what if he wanted it, and claimed to enjoy it? what if he really, truly did enjoy it? would that change anything, for you? would his “consent” be problematic, in your mind, at all? or would it be a free pass to place him in harms way?
now…what if you knew for a fact that there was very little chance that he was even going to enjoy it? would that matter to you, at all? what if it were common knowledge that most men didnt really like PIV anyway, or at least it wasnt their preferred sexual act, and that their bodies werent really built to orgasm this way? what if the numerous risks of PIV to men were somewhat (or largely) causative of their inability to enjoy it, or to enjoy it fully?
would you still do it? if so, why, and under what circumstances? if not, why not?
and finally…what if mens social status was that of, literally, dirt. of filth. what if mens corpus, mens bodies, were regarded as disgusting, and filthy too (even though, ironically, you were the one likely to infect *him* with something, and not the other way around). what if the language women used regarding having PIV with men was synonymous with harming them, and socially men and boys were the thing everyone else wiped their feet on? what if it had always been this way, and was this way currently, around the world?
if this were the state of things…what would PIV “mean” to you? what would you imagine that it “meant” to men? in other words…why do it at all, and is it at all possible that mens and womens “reasons” would differ?”

Proof that certain male subs are abusing the report system to censor feminist subs, they even admit to it

The fact that these dudes unironically believe “gynocentrism” is a thing while Reddit actively protects misogynistic subreddits is astounding, lmao. What a bunch of dumbfucks. Men throughout history have felt threatened by women having their own spaces and their own opinions and these dudes are no different. But anyway, do you plan on reporting them?

But why do they think they only need to take down critical female subs that hurt male feefees too much (like Men Of the Wall), but violent misogynistic shit is still ok for their image?

Reddit and the internet at large are, as always, a boys club.

Post this to the mainstream media.

Holy shit, great work. Lucky that for being so dedicated, the men who did this are also incredibly fucking stupid. For some reason, one of them being a furry is so funny to me, too. What a piece of work.

Imagine having the privilege of being born a male and then wasting all of that away by becoming a degenerate furry basement dwelling cumbrain. I’d be mad at myself too if I were him.

Why are y’all so sure pinkpill will be taken down?

Because they’ve repeatedly talked about doing so, and they’ve targeted all the sister subs.

A man walks into a … — A man walks into a school and orders the little girls to line up and allows the boys to leave. He shoots 10 and kills 5. — A man walks into a school and seperates the 9 women from the 50 men in class. He allows the men to leave before shooting the women. He then leaves the room and continues firing at female students. He was “fighting feminism”. None of the male classmates tries to stop him despite outnumbering him 50 to 1. — A man walks into a sorority house after making an anti-woman manifesto where he describes his desire to kill women who won’t love him. Nobody answers the door, so he starts shooting people nearby. Men online cry that there was more male victims than female, despite the attack specifically targetting women. — A man walks into Planned Parenthood and proceeds to get into a five hour stand off with police. His intention was to kill the women as revenge for “killing unborn children”. — A man drives a van into a number of pedestrians, killing 8 women and 2 men. He described himself as an Incel online, and referenced an Incel rebellion against the “chads and staceys” of the world just before the attack.
This is in no way a complete list. These crimes are rarely, if ever, considered hate crimes by the general population.

When the Planned Parenthood guy literally could’ve killed pregnant women (couldn’t find any confirmation of that in the article cited) yet „fights on behalf of the unborn”.
Side note: do they ever look up the other services offered by Planned Parenthood? Many people go there for ultrasounds, check ups, birth control…

They just added incel as a form of terrorism in Canada now thankfully

50% of the population, 80% of violent crime committed in the US

When people try to tell you that women are just as abusive as men, show them this excerpt. p. 45 Bancroft, Lundy. Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men. New York: Berkley, 2003. 45 This book is terrific.

There’s been a huge movement in conservative Christian circles called ”love and respect.” Their whole argument is that most relationship issues can be resolved when we remember than women crave to be loved, but men crave to be respected. 🤢 Naw, fuck that noise, I want to be respected. A woman who doesn’t care to be respected sounds like her self esteem has been destroyed. How could you even “love” someone you don’t respect? What toxic gaslighting bullshit.

You’re on to something. I was reading on domestic violence being “equal” and one thing they found is that female victims have higher levels of fear and lasting psychological consequences. Male victims didn’t even report lower satisfaction with their relationship compared to non-abused men. Another difference is some types of abuse are almost exclusively perpetrated by men, like stalking, killing and sexual violence.

The incidence of anal cancer is higher in women than men in the general population and has been increasing for several decades

Also a rise in throat cancer, I heard

Yes. “Over a period of 30 years, from 1984 to 2004, the amount of HPV-positive throat cancer tripled. Research claims that the rise is due to new and changing sexual behavior, including an increasingly common practice of oral sex.”

It’s funny how oral requires the throat for women meanwhile men barely stick the tongue out.

One more way for men to kill us with their dicks.

The most pathetic way to die tbh. It is so embarassing. Imagine “so I died because I loved to take dicks in the ass hihi” ☠️☠️

performative femininity isn’t something empowering. men don’t hear “shave your legs!! alter your big nose!!! make your lips bigger/smaller,…” all the time.

Twitter screenshot: Twitter handle: notable-spinster:
Tweet: performing femininity is only powerful if your definition of power is male approval

That’s literally what empowerment means, to be leant power by someone else. You need to get your own power. Screw empowerment.

Men tell us what they are all the time, but when we repeat it, we are accused of being “misandrist”

Men tell us what they are in indirect ways all the time, such as when they victim blame women. “So why did you go to his house if you didn’t want to have sex? What did you expect was going to happen?” By blaming women for getting raped, they imply to us that men are literally animals who cannot control their impulses.
But men also tell us what they are in very direct ways, especially conservative men. They love to talk about “biology” and “human nature”, and they always accuse feminists of denying nature. But when a feminist (a radfem) DOESN’T deny nature and literally repeats back what males say, she will be called sexist. Let me give you an example. Dennis Prager, a prominent conservative, always talks about male nature. Here is just one video of his:
In this video he claims that the only thing stopping men from going around and raping is THE LAW. Here is what he says verbatim: “If there were no moral rules and no police, men would grab women and do what they wanted as a rule. That is the way men are made. The fact that your man doesn’t act that way is because he has been given a set of rules, and because he knows he will be punished.”
If you want to know more about what men REALLY ARE, just watch the video in that link and let Dennis Prager tell you himself. It’s truly horrifying.
In conclusion: men are rapists by nature, they’ll even admit it, but if women repeat it, we are the evil ones.

men: “We will rape you at first sign of opportunity, it’s in our nature!”
women: “Ok, we believe you”
men: “no, wait, what do you mean we are evil?”

What happens to the pickme when her tradbro gets bored, cheats, trades her for a younger model, etc.? These low-IQ tradbros love younger women so much, right? She could be the one paying spousal support. She’ll most definitely have to share custody of the kids.

Yeah she’s going to end up divorced with kids before 30! Obviously that’s better than building your career until 30 and then finding a decent man. 🙄 Having kids fucks up women’s bodies in more ways than one. It ages you and makes you fat so often, mostly because the pig trash you married doesn’t help.

Tradbros can be found hanging out near high schools trying to impress 16 year olds (not within 100 ft though, judge-ordered). It’s safe to say they only believe in the female side of responsibility.
Side note: I think any needed repairs (to abdomen, reproductive organs, etc.) should be covered by insurance. In any intelligent society mothers should be ‘made whole’ after bearing children.

Even beyond that, every woman I know who’s had children now has a fucked up gate and hip problems that becomes significantly more pronounced after 40. They never seem to ever go away afterwards. There is a real lack of follow up medical care for women who give birth. Pelvic health is particularly ignored.

This is so true. Stress incontinence, separated stomach muscles, hip pain from just walking, birth injuries from high forceps deliveries and bad tearing. Solution: deal with it toots.

It’s a fact that pregnancy and being the sole carer and provider for children puts a big strain on women physically as well as mentally emotionally, financially. I’m not sure why you think we shouldn’t be allowed to recognize the physical consequences and are calling it anti-feminist.

WHERE are all these men proposing to women in their 20's? The women I know in their 20’s can’t even get a man to pay for a date, or commit to being her boyfriend, let alone marriage!

I know, right?? I don’t know any women in their 20’s being proposed to. The ones dating guys their own age aren’t being proposed to because the young guys are immature, don’t have any money, and mainly just want sex. The ones dating older guys aren’t being proposed to because the older guys are also very immature, mentally stunted, and just using them for sex and validation.

Why don’t these women understand that they can make their own money????? HELLOOOOOOOO!!!! You have to access to higher education and an internet connection. Figure something out for yourself and you won’t have to worry about what men think about you hitting 30! Pathetic!!!

Omg Its 2020. Unless they’re living under a rock, they should know this. And it doesnt have to be some dead end low wage majority woman job either. I have shown some free online courses to friends to improve job skills and they refuse to do it.

Wow, I threw away my youth by missing a chance to marry and serve some dipshit whose only concern is my looks. So sad.

Conservative and tradthot pickme’s are the absolute WORST.

This is depressing. Male sexuality is the stuff of nightmares. It’s like being occupied by a terrorist regime.

It really is. But libfems still deny that it’s real. They think that men and women are 100% the same and men have just been socialized to be different and that’s why they can’t stop raping women. just lol

They just don’t want it to be named, they don’t cAre what they do to us

“What did she expect?? She put herself around men wearing THAT”
“okay so you’re saying that men are inherently prone to raping women and cant control themselves in the most basic of situations?”

Wow. Imagine if this guy was a female feminist. The comments section would look so different.

Quote from the video:

If women had a male brain for a day they would be astonished on how little is going on

That guy is basically making the case for men to be barred from any position of leadership.

This needs to be printed out on posters and hung up everywhere, in every city. They are TELLING us what they are, but HATE when we acknowledge it, and the pick-mes would rather ignore what’s coming straight from the horse’s mouth.

In this video he claims that the only thing stopping men from going around and raping is THE LAW. Here is what he says verbatim: “If there were no moral rules and no police, men would grab women and do what they wanted as a rule. That is the way men are made. The fact that your man doesn’t act that way is because he has been given a set of rules, and because he knows he will be punished.”

I’ve always known that. I’m glad he clarified it.

Yes, easy for them to blame ‘nature’, just another way to avoid responsability… It’s natural to love young girls? it’s natural to rape?. .. Stop Thoses bullshit. Some men are rapists, some other’s aren’t, it’s a CHOICE. Respecting boundaries is a choice (unless you were feed and not raised)
But, If they’d took ‘natural’ as an excuse, why it’s not ‘natural’ when women want a healthy man with a job? Security about raising your kids is natural, no?

Men are now lying and saying they’re the biggest victims of domestic violence murder, except that when you look at the breakdown it’s because they’re killing themselves after they murder their partner. Lying pigs as always.

Twitter handle: Justin King, Tweet:
Made a post about domestic violence earlier today & was flooded by people telling me how much it affects men as well. One claim in particular stood out to me. That was that men are killed almost as often as a result of domestic violence. I looked into it & sure enough that’s what a lot of studies say, but then I looked at how they died “as a result of domestic violence”
More than half of the men that died killed themselves after murdering their partner, or were killed by cops. About 15% were killed by their partner’s ex or current spouse or boyfriend. About 10% were male children killed via child abuse.
This little fact breakdown was plus or minus 5% of every single breakdown I found.
In other words, no, it isn’t even remotely close to the same.

The amount of lying and fact-twisting that men/MRAs comfortably engage in is fucking disturbing. It’s like how they lie about the number of men being raped by women. These aren’t just innocent misunderstandings by delusional men. It’s intentional deceit by men who KNOW that they benefit from patriarchy and male violence. They know they have nothing to fear from women, they know they aren’t victims but they’re hoping to convince us they are so we take the focus off female victims. It’s so fucking slimy and evil.

This Australian doctor did her homework. When men claim to be victims of domestic violence, they define DV as their partners not having dinner on the table when they get home and other audaciousness.

I posted this because it’s sickeningly perverted that men are counted as “victims” because they kill themselves after murdering their partner to avoid facing any kind of justice.

A coward who kills his family and then himself will never be any kind of victim. This is disgusting.

2.54 women are killed by their partners every single day in America. How many men are killed by women per day on average? ZERO. Women kill their partners once in a blue moon. Also, women usually kill their partners after suffering years of abuse. They eventually can’t take it anymore and snap. It’s rare for a woman to kill her partner because he broke up with her (that’s the reason men usually do it) or just for the sake of it.

By the way, not so fun fact: the leading cause of death during pregnancy is murder. When i heard it I didn’t believe it either.
I had no idea. Checked out on wiki.

For men experiencing violence from a female partner, it’s primarily self defensive or it’s expressive in terms of a push or a slap,” Dr Salter said.
In 2015, the NSW coroner reviewed all intimate partner homicides over the last decade and found no incidents where a woman killed a man because she was a domestic violence offender.
When women did kill their male partner, or ex-partner, it was defensive — he had a history of perpetrating violence against her.
Dr Salter said police and health services reports showed that when a woman was violent against their partner, she was typically either defending herself or her kids.
“There are forms of violence that, simply put, women don’t do to men in relationships,” he said.
“That includes strangulation, damage to property, the mutilation and killing of pets, and sexual violence in a domestically abusive relationship.”
This was backed up by Michael Brandenburg, strategy manager at No To Violence / Men’s Referral Service, the peak body for organisations and individuals working with men to end family violence in Victoria and New South Wales. He helps male victims of domestic violence.
“We probably need to get a bit better at defining what we mean by family violence in the context of power, the context of fear,” he said.
“Our experience over the last 15–20 years is a lot of women’s violence is linked to protecting themselves and protecting their children.
“It’s not necessarily around a coercive pattern of behaviour.”
Where are these male victims coming from?
Dr Michael Flood, an Associate Professor of Sociology at Queensland University of Technology, with a focus on gender and masculinities, said that by focusing on the tiny proportion of violent women, the MRAs only shifted the focus away from the real threat: violent men.

Love that so many people who are rapists just completely dissociate themselves from the term

Tweet1: problematicfeminist-deactivated: I can’t ask a client if her husband rapes her because she’ll say no. Instead I ask her if he has ever forced her to have sex, or she ever feels like she can’t say no. And she’ll say: “Well, sometimes he…” That’s how normalised marital rape is in this country
Tweet 2: Rapunzalis:
This reminds me of that study that asked college men if they would force a woman to have sex & 1 out of 3 responded that they would. Then the word “rape” was used however, the number dropped significantly.

How many men are rapists? Well you get 1/3 from the forceful sex, then another 1/3 that do grey area rape (coercian, manipulation, pressure, ignoring reluctant and fearful body language of women). 2/3 wow what a jackpot ladies how about those odds I’m sure every straight woman can find that 1/3 man.

These exact same numbers have been my experience as well. First hand.

And that 1/3 expect you to worship them bc they don’t rape and beat you.

And some of them will rape you after years when you think you’re safe and found “one of the good ones”.

Especially after you have a kid bc they didn’t get to have sex before/after you give birth. And then they harass the wife and act passive aggressive and make her life impossible until she lets him use her life a Fleshlight before she’s gone to bed after 15 hours of caring for baby and house.

Reminds me of a comment a woman wrote: “how come many women know a woman who’s been raped but men don’t know any rapists?”

The vast majority of men are okay with rape, though they wont call it that. Then they project their self disgust onto women and say that we asked for it, liked it, etc…
I think men can’t handle this truth. I’ve had an (ex) male friend confess to me that his sexuality just goes beyond his personal sense of morality. Like at a certain point he finds himself making completely illogical justifications for bad behavior. This was one of the more decent men I’ve met who didn’t watch porn and wasn’t particularly sexually sadistic.
Women are fucked, literally

We’re nowhere close to equality

Book excerpt:
Fast-forward to a conflicted & confused 21st century, where we are told as women that we have smashed so many of the restrictions of the patriarchy, & yet:
• eating disorders continue to rise
• cosmetic surgery is the fastest-growing medical procedure
• sales of female beauty products have triples
• pornography is one of the most widely consumed forms of media
Our freedom as women is superficial.

This surely means that it’s not equality we should be aiming for but liberation.

Girls I found it on an insta page called fierceradfem and the quote is from a book called “Witch” by Lisa Lister.

Unsurprisingly, the book has gotten bad reviews for supposedly being transphobic, in other words, woman-centric.

Judging from this snippet the book is already based as hell but after looking at the reviews on Goodreads I want to read it even more, knowing that it bothers so many “progressive” misogynists who are bothered by “vagina-centric language”.

I think the quote meant that men do not perform these socialized rôles, which is why equality is a Scam : the objectification norms will always require an object and a subject, nothing equal is possible with such power dynamics.

The author forgot to add that various forms of sex work are now seen as aspirational, and an “empowering career option”. ::barf::.

This is why men and women can’t be friends

Tweet: Solomon Georgio
You think getting friend-zoned is bad, imagine your creepy male friend thinking you owe them sex

Same and once you reject them, THEY think they’re the “victims.” And you realized your “friendship” was never real.

My male cousin literally told me that unless a guy is gay or asexual, the only reason he will be friendly with you will be to either fuck you, or to get close to your best friend and fuck her, or your sister and sometimes even your mother. Ewww

Exactly. It upset me so much growing up when girls would act like getting along with boys made you cool and when both guys and girls would proclaim that it was just so mature to have opposite sex friends.

Yeah I agree with you. Ever since I became an adult I haven’t had a true male friend who actually just wanted to open up and hang out. Men can’t be interchanged with your girlfriends.

Honestly! The amount of guy “friends” that have turned into major creeps has made me just swear off men friendships altogether. Unless it’s for school or work, I don’t chat to guys.

I remember one time when I was a freshmen in college, me and my project partner in class shared a lot of interests — the same games, books, etc. — and I was genuinely interested in talking with him…. until the last day of class where in front of everyone he said he liked me romantically and wanted to get to know me more. I said sorry, nope, already taken but that I valued his friendship. He responded with LITERALLY running the opposite direction of me (yes, I kid not) and later texted me that “thankfully” he’d never see me again. Like….. lol, okay?

Wow. Disgusting. I bet he was thinking if he professed his love to you in some grand way you’d have no choice but to indulge him!

Ah yes, peer pressure her into sleeping with him, a classic. Thats why I hate big proposals.

Yep. They give “casul sexx??” requests and then YOU are the asshole for not giving his (nasty)pp a chaaaance…

“casul sexx?” LOL Why is this so accurate? So many creepy scrotes type like they’re blackout drunk or their hands can’t stop shaking or something. I’ve rarely seen a woman type so shittily.

In theory I suppose maybe I could be friends with men if they were gay, but oftentimes gay men are misogynistic af and I’ve heard accounts from women of their gay male friends groping their tits or other parts of their body and thinking it’s okay because they’re gay, so even with a gay man I might not be safe…

And eventually a lot of these men will either sexually assault or rape you.

I had this “guy friend” he knows I’m a lesbian I’ve literally told him, yet he consistently kept flirting with me, and even said he wanted to kiss me. I said I was gay, and he said that he could change that.. so that being said, we’re not friends anymore🙂

Whenever a picture or story comes up of a guy and girl being friends, the only comments are something about “fallen soldier” or some other stupid shit about oh, oh no, the tragedy, he’s friends with a girl, friends.. how devastating.

This has always made me so sad. Every male I’ve ever been friends with (besides one gay friend) has ended up having an uncomfortable crush on me that taints the relationship. The first time it happened I was so devastated. I can’t really explain it. Then I was friends with guys in high school that dumped their emotional problems on me, made constant innuendos, bragged to me about going to a strip club (who does that??), acted hyper-masculine, one who was an adult teacher’s aid who vied for my attention, and one who turned out to be a creepy stalker-ish guy who I reported to my advisor. Their advice was… be more assertive. Don’t let him get the wrong idea. Blegh. I’m so afraid of entering more male friendships. I think I might be done with them for good, if possible.

No baby you’re not “genderfluid”, you’re just a girl born in a patriarchal world which makes you think you’re a man if you don’t conform to pushed femininity. You’re not. You’re a woman. We don’t have to conform to their flawed caricatures of what womanhood is.

Tweet: Vaginafetishism
Masculinity is considered the default, because it is the default. Men don’t wear make up, or restricting clothing, or high heels, because those things are unnatural. Women, however, are subjected to these things as a means of oppression. Women being masculine means women existing as they are. Wearing functional clothing & not applying make up are non-actions. The problem is not with masculinity being considered the default. The problem is the default being considered ‘masculine’.
#gender #misogyny #discourse

I can totally understand teens and young women wanting to be gender fluid and trans men because of the roles forced on women. I don’t agree with it since it doesn’t fix anything for them. they still have to deal with sex based oppression. I feel bad for them. Just because you change your name or cut off your breasts it doesn’t change how the world really sees you. Women are always seen as the weaker sex and men like it that way.

I’ve noticed a lot of young lesbians become “non-binary”. I don’t see as many biological male “non-binary” people. It’s as if these girls think they must discard their female identity rather than redefine it.

To all those “good men”

What do you do when your friends make misogynistic jokes?
What do you do when your friends rate women like cattle on the 1–10 scale?
What do you do when you see a man catcalling a woman?
What do you do when you see a man harassing or intimidating a woman?
What do you do when men steal women’s ideas at work/school?
What do you do when you see men harassing women online? Leaking their nudes and calling them whres and thots?
What do you do at night? Boot up porn sites that show women being degraded and hurt? Maybe you think ‘amateur’ porn is better because it’s between a couple? How do you know that isn’t revenge porn? Or that the woman knew it was even being filmed?
What do you do when house and child work needs to be done?
What do you do when you find out other men are not doing house and child work?
Do you think doing all these things makes you entitled to sex and womens labor?
It doesn’t, it’s just the basic expectation for human decency.
If you want to prove that not all men, then ACT like it, and don’t expect to be treated like royalty for doing the bare humane minimum. Until then, women will keep saying #yesallmen.

To the good men that don’t rape, how many of you engaged in grey area sex?

lmao over 15 comments not showing up. scrotes real mad at this one but they’re just shouting into the void. oh well.

Taking their ideas at work, taking promotions they deserve, knowingly taking larger pay for the same or lesser work

Primitive moids shooting themselves in the foot … and head: “Males identified as having traits of toxic masculinity were 2.4 times more likely to die by suicide compared to men who did not exhibit such strong traditional views of masculinity.”

Given the choice, men would rather hurt a woman than to help a man. All these “MRA”-types do not want to help men, they want to hurt women. Sadly, they are not only ending themselves but more often than not attack women and commit what the patriarchal media then euphemistically calls “double suicide”: murder their spouse and then kill themselves…

And once again it is proven that if men worked against their own patriarchy their lives would improve. But nah, MRAs would rather REEEE about women lmao

Men only care about “masculinity” but not about men. The more a man is pro-masculinity, the more he is anti-male.

Why support their fellow men who are depressed and suicidal when they can just laugh them off and talk about taking voting rights from women instead?


Tweet: Im-not-an-object-ok:
“A child who’s told she has to do more housework than her brother because she is a girl, or that she can’t be an astronaut when she grows up because she is a girl, is likely to say “that’s not fair!”
A boy who is told he cannot play with dolls because he is a boy, or that he cannot be a secretary when he grows up, may find that unfair as well. But the boy who is told he cannot be a nurse is being told that he is too good to be a nurse. The girl on the other hand, is essentially being told that she is not good enough to be a doctor.”
Eckert and Ginet, Language & Gender

I get nauseous thinking about how each and every XY on earth came out of a woman. Considering that, the pure hatred they have for women is nothing short of appalling.

One of my friends ex boyfriends was a nursing major (a hard program, no disrespect on nurses) and kept telling me how he understood exactly what I was going through as a women in STEM. People wonder why he’s not shooting for Doctor, why he’s stopping at nurse. People wonder why I don’t stop at teacher, why I’m shooting for a PhD.

“Pussy”, “feminine”, “like a girl” are all insults.
“You’re the man”, grow some “balls” and others are all positive statements.
Women grow up shamed of being born a woman, because it’s looked down as the worst thing anyone could be. Men can’t act “girly” but women are encouraged to be tough and manly. I saw someone complaining that seeing “the future is female” must really hurt little boys’ feelings and sense of self confidence. Wrong battle to pick there friend.

Forget the bad math, almost 70% (probably more) of men do not wash their hands after using the restroom??

most viral infections such as HIV etc were first contracted by men having sex with animals and were spread by them too(women were victims to their bisexual husbands) ,do they mention this when they are saying men were the major contributors of science?(which is also another lie)

My 20 year old brother (almost 21) left literal shit on one of our bath mats yesterday, and today coughed up phlegm in our kitchen sink and didn’t rinse it away and put a shirt covered in snot in the wash. This is only the past 2 days. Men are NASTY.

😂 Unfortunately he’s a neurotic mess (and possible narcissist) who doesn’t even realise when he’s done these things. My mum just threw everything in the washing machine. So disgusting 🤮 I have no idea how he even did it in the first place!

Sounds like 20 months old to me

Where’s the lie, tho?

Yo male lurkers, stop masturbating to torture porn and harassing women online for once, and go upstairs to help your mom out for a change.

Men: ignore mom telling them to clean their dumpster fire state room
J. Peterson: Clean your room!
Men: O… Well I guess I should clean my room.
What a joke.

Men dont listen to what women have to say regardless of how reasonable it is, a man, however, can say the same thing a bit louder and he’ll be hailed a hero.

And wash your underpants for fucks sake.

He will pretend he can’t so he is never asked to do it again.

The Talmud had no time for incel tears.

I love this. Let him die of his rapist desires.

So this is why incels are so anti-semitic! 😂

I wonder where exactly their anti-semitism came from or their mental gymnastics behind it?

No wonder there’s so many Jewish radical feminists


based and pinkpilled.

This gem on BlackPillFeminism is too good and too accurate to not be shared here. For some reason I couldn’t cross-post it, so I’m posting it myself.

RIP to the lost women.

“Pornography tells lies about women. But pornography tells the truth about men.” — John Stoltenberg

He was Dworkin’s partner, but has written a bit more on trans issues than her. I liked his article about ownership and sexuality.

Women do not believe that men believe what pornography says about women. But they do. From the worst to the best of them, they do.

A pie chart of men’s anti-porn rhetoric

Yeah, they only worry about it when they can’t get a boner anymore.

Yup! Until that point they see nothing wrong with the degradation and abuse of women for their masturbation fodder. Gross.

One of the top UnpopularOpinions today was about how porn was bad for men. The poster said something along the lines of ‘blah blah misogyny against women BUT men have to go through all this hardship blah blah’.
Literally just waved off the fact that women in the porn industry were being mistreated.

“Mistreated” is putting it VERY mildly.

But but it’s female privalij

This is my main issue with nofap and r/Coomer
It just shows how sociopathic and self centred Moids are. They never cared until their peepees stopped working. Or because Da Jooooos don’t want them to get a gf.
Oh well at least they’re being somewhat useful, I’ve heard someone’s trying to get a bill passed to ban hard core porn in the US.

“I deserve an erection even if it comes at the cost of someone being abused and killed” A NOVEL WRITTEN BY MEN OF INTELLECTUAL AWAKENING
“I got the erection so it’s time to go bitch to the internet about women being whores who deserve it” THE SEQUEL.

Actually, there are a lot of men who hate pornography because it’s controlled by le ebil jooz. They don’t give a shit about women, it’s just an excuse to peddle their Nazi shit.

Nazis see porn as a feminising influence (ffs) so weirdly hate it because they hate women and are scared of catching womaness.

*cries in mass shooting*

Yes, only spoiled child throw temper tantrums like that and be so heartless he doesn’t care he takes other’s people lives just because he didn’t get what he wants.

Why use a ten year old picture when you could use ten different pictures from this year alone?

I’ll add that dankmemes is littered with sexist jokes, rape jokes, wife beating jokes, school shooter jokes and everybody is like LOOOL.
But post one meme here and you get essay in the comments calling you ‘shameful’ and how this is ‘NOT FUNNY YOU GUYS’



Paradigm Shift

Anti-ideology, pro-counterculture, because iconoclasms feel good