15 Questions for Status Quo Warriors (number 7 is a hoot)

Paradigm Shift
3 min readJun 23, 2020

1. Why are anti-feminists usually fat &/or ugly? Is it just a coincidence?

2. Why do you hate women?

3. Considering the fact that “gendered-slurs against men” are used exclusively by anti-feminists, like yourself, can you explain why you hate men?

4. Is rejecting the dictionary definition of ‘atheist’ on the grounds that a substantial amount of their number have anti-feminist views, just as valid as your rejection of the definition of ‘feminist’ due to the misrepresented views of obscure exceptions?

5. You mad, bro?

6. If you get most of your information from anti-feminists on social media, isn’t that a biased source, not to mention the conflict of interest involved (as many of these content creators’ livelihoods, on Youtube at least, depend on being anti-feminist)?

7. Feminist terms such as ‘patriarchy’ are axiomatic in a number of different scientific disciplines. Is rejecting scientific consensus in favour of some some guy online’s conspiracy theory, really worth sacrificing your integrity for? Additionally, why even bother with subject matters concerning & covered by the social sciences, when you reject the social sciences outright (seeing as you can’t do so without falling victim to the dunning kruger effect)?

8. Patriarchy is merely a specific type of cultural hegemony. Since you don’t believe that ‘hegemonic masculinity’ exists, what are your thoughts on all the other cultural hegemonies: heteronormativity & Westerncentrism? Do you believe we live in a society free of ideology, free of cultural hegemony?

9. Why pride yourself on being “not offended” when even something as benign as a trigger warning can send you into a fit of feigned hysteria?

10. Why do you keep pretending that a small gender pay gap = no gap, keeping in mind that the word ‘choice’ doesn’t erase socialization & the backlash effect?

11. When considering the widely known context: that women shame other women too, then surely the supposed “gotcha” observation: “It’s only sexist when men do it” is rendered redundant?

12. Why do you never call out your radicals: Paul Elam, Bill O’Reilly, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, Donald Trump etc. for their misogynistic views, or berate your extremists: Elliot Rodger, Marc Lépine, Anders Breivik etc. or list them as examples that discredit anti-feminism & SQWs, especially when the aforementioned radical anti-feminists are comparatively more widely known than radical feminists & thus exercise more influence on society than radical feminists do?

13. What’s the difference between someone more progressive than you & a regressive?

14. Why do you call the subjects of your malice “social justice warriors” when “insert-scapegoat-here” would suffice?

15. Anti-feminism has always been misogynistic & on the wrong side of history. In what ways, if any, has it suddenly changed into something that is now indistinguishable from egalitarianism?



Paradigm Shift

Anti-ideology, pro-counterculture, because iconoclasms feel good